
     School had a very special place in Kate's heart.  She had always been an intelligent child.  In fact when her and her family moved to Abilene, Kansas Kate was only six years old, but she was put into the second grade because of her reading skills.  Another reason Kate felt school was near and dear to her heart was the fact that her mother had been a teacher and Kate was planning to follow in her mother's footsteps.  Kate had never actually aspired to be a teacher she had always longed for the profession of a doctor.  She would have aspired towards the profession of becoming a doctor had it not been for her father's opinions.  Tom Newcomb insisted that Kate should behave more like a proper lady and he did not consider becoming a doctor something a woman should aspire to be.     

    Kate did as her father pleased and took the necessary teaching courses.  Kate ended up teaching sixth and seventh grade at Public School 54.  When Kate became fed up with her life going the way it was going she told her father if he would not pay her way through medical school then her dear friend, Mr. Ulrich, would.  Kate's father had told her that was unnecessary and in September of 1913 she began her schooling at the University of Buffalo.

    Many of Dr. Kate's professors left an enormous impact on Dr. Kate's life.  She loved the medical field so much that she even graduated cum laude.