
     Dr. Kate Newcomb's childhood family wasn't in the best condition, but she had made the most of her life.  Kate had many wedding proposals from various men, but she was waiting for her soul mate before she had accepted any of them.  Dr. Kate found her perfect match at a car dealership.  His name was Bill Newcomb.  They met when Kate was looking for a new vehicle, and Bill had given Kate her driving lessons.

     Dr. Kate and Bill had moved out into Boulder Junction in Northern Wisconsin in1922.  They had never expected to move into somewhere like Wisconsin, but when Bill became ill due to toxic fumes from his profession they decided it best to live somewhere with fresh air.

     The couple had two children of their own, and had adopted one, Eldorah.  Their first child had died due to the drugs that had been prescribed to Kate during pregnancy.  Though their first child had not made it, their second child, William Thomas Newcomb named after Kate's father and grandfather had filled the couple's heart with joy.  Kate enjoyed helping her community.  When she heard of all of the homeless children in Vilas County she had decided in 1936 to adopt Eldorah.